Q: What is dry mouth or xerostomia?

A: Dry mouth or xerostomia is a condition where little or no saliva is produced by the salivary glands or where the saliva produced is of very low quality.


Q: Why is saliva important?

A: Saliva in an integral part of the mouth and performs many and varied functions including neutralizing acids after eating, protecting us from external pathogens, lubrication, starting the digestive process and many others.


Q: Why is Xerostom so important for dry mouth sufferers?

A: Xerostom has a patented formula which includes Saliactive, a combination of olive oil, betaine and xilitol.


Q: What is the meaning of Saliactive?

A: Xylitol is 100% natural, a sweetener that occurs naturally. It can be processed from birch trees and other vegetable sources. Sugar feeds bacteria in your mouth, causing them to multiply rapidly. This metabolic process produces acids that cause cavities (caries) to begin to form. When you use xylitol at the correct percentage, the acid attack that would otherwise last for over half an hour is stopped. Because the bacteria in the mouth causing caries are unable to ferment xylitol in their metabolism, their growth is reduced. The number of acid-producing bacteria may fall as much as 90%.


Q: What flavor are the products?

A: Xerostom has an acid-free lemon flavor. Most dry mouth sufferers cannot tolerate mint flavor products as the mint oil will produce a burning sensation.


Q: Why is there a wide product range?

A: People with dry mouth or xerostomia have the problem 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So we have products to use at home and products to use throughout the day, at work or when socializing.


Q: What other benefits does Xerostom have?

A: Xerostom not only increases the unstimulated salivary flow, but also looks after your teeth avoiding dental erosion, plaque adhesion, maintains the natural healthy balance of bacteria in your mouth and looks after the soft tissues of the mouth which is so important to dry mouth sufferers.


Q: I see extra virgin olive oil in the list of ingredients. How does it work?

A: Extra virgin olive oil has been used for thousands of years around the Mediterranean. It helps to stimulate saliva.


Q: I see betaine in the list of ingredients: What is it?

A: Betaine is obtained from sugar beet. Among other properties, it has osmoprotectant capabilities and it binds humidity from the air. It participates in lubrication.


Q: I see xylitol in the list of ingredients: What is it?

A: Xylitol is 100% natural, a sweetener that occurs naturally. It can be processed from birch trees and other vegetable sources. Sugar feeds bacteria in your mouth, causing them to multiply rapidly. This metabolic process produces acids that cause cavities (caries) to begin to form. When you use xylitol at the correct percentage, the acid attack that would otherwise last for over half an hour is stopped. Because the bacteria in the mouth causing caries are unable to ferment xylitol in their metabolism, their growth is reduced. The number of acid-producing bacteria may fall as much as 90%.


Xerostom Toothpaste


Q: How often should I brush Xerostom toothpaste?

A: Ideally, you should brush for 3 minutes, 3 times a day. It is always advisable to wait for 30 minutes after eating before brushing. For complete oral hygiene use with Xerostom mouthwash and a soft toothbrush.


Q: Why should I use Xerostom toothpaste?

A: It is especially indicated for people suffering from dry mouth, apart from the benefits in the patented formula of Saliactive, Xerostom toothpaste does not contain SLS (Lauril Sodium Sulphate), so it will help avoiding mouth ulcers.



Xerostom Mouthwash


Q: How should I use the Mouthwash?

A: Gargle without diluting the product, especially in dry areas.


Q: How many times a day should I use the Mouthwash?

A: You should use the Mouthwash as many times as you brush your teeth. It can be used neat but some people dilute it with water. Pay special attention to the dry areas of your mouth.